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Donation made to the ORCA
(Ocean Research Conservation Africa)
in honour of Kim Seokjin

Donation made to the Earth Child Project to nurture an Eco-Warrior(sponsoring a Childs education for a year)

Donation made to Dyer Island Conservation Trust African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary.
approx. R 1000 donated.
Our Jin project was also mentioned in a Naver article!
Donation made to the KZN doghouse Sanctuary in Durban South Africa. Hosted our first charity event with them raising funds for them and the pups :)
R 2826.00 raised and many dog items donated

Donation made to the Adopt A River SA in Durban South Africa. Hosted our first beach clean up event with the organisation!
R 2000.00 raised and 165 Kg of waste collected.

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